About Q12
The global Covid-19 crisis unveiled the vulnerabilities of healthcare workers to the effects of caregiver burnout. The "Quick Twelve" initiative was started by a group of nurses in Boston, MA operating as Quick Shift LLC with a mission to restore and reinforce caregiver resiliency.
Our Mission
To create a brand with the ability to spread the "Quick Twelve" mindset to as many nurses and other healthcare professionals as possible to reduce the effects of caregiver burnout.

Giving Back
25% of all Q12 profits are donated to directly support caregiver resiliency training and suicide prevention efforts.
Who We Support
In addition to donating a portion of our proceeds to each organization that is listed in our Monthly Feature, we support the following organizations who we believe are supporting caregivers in the community, nation, and world at large:
Mental Health America, Inc.
Mental Health America (MHA) is an organization with a network of mental health professionals across the United States that promote mental health for all. Learn more about MHA at: www.mhanational.org.
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is an organization that helps to raise awareness of the importance of blood transfusions. Since the start of the pandemic, the reserve of donated blood has been at critically low levels. Learn more about American Red Cross at: www.redcrossblood.org
American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is an organization for nearly the past 100 years, has been striving to save and improve lives by fighting heart disease and stroke. You can learn more about the AHA, as well as ways to get CPR certified, learn better stress management, exercise tips, or heart-healthy recipes on their website: https://www.heart.org/en/.
Colorectal Care Alliance
The Colorectal Cancer Alliance's mission to "empower a nation of allies who work with us to provide support for patients and families, caregivers, and survivors; to raise awareness of preventive measures; and inspire efforts to fund critical research." You can learn more about the screening, research, and support efforts provided to patients and their families by the Colorectal Care Alliance here at their website: https://www.ccalliance.org/
Donate Life America
In 2022, Donate Life America is
celebrating its 30th year in operation in which it has successfully registered 170 Million organ, eye and tissue donors in the United States. Check out their official website: https://www.donatelife.net to learn more their amazing organ and tissue donation education and resources.
Wounded Warrior Project
TheWounded Warrior Project is an organization with the mission to support veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military in transitioning back to civilian life. For more information about the resources and supports provided by the Wounded Warrior Project, please visit: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs.
Foundation for Women's Cancer
The Foundation for Women's Cancer is an organization with the mission to create "A world where everyone has the power to impact, prevent or overcome a diagnosis of gynecologic cancer". Learn more about the resources offered by the Foundation for Women's Cancer at:
Susan G. Komen
The Susan G. Komen Organization started from a sister's promise to "
do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever". The organization's mission is to "save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer". Learn more about the resources offered by the Susan G. Komen Organization at:
American Lung Association's LungForce
The American Lung's LUNGFORCE is a nationwide strategic-cause initiative that unites those impacted by lung cancer and their caregivers across the country to stand together against lung cancer. The LUNGFORCE uses education, advocacy, and research to ensure fewer people are diagnosed and those who have been diagnosed with lung cancer live longer lives. Visit the LungForce website here: https://www.lung.org/lung-force/about-lung-force
MadMods' Santa's Little Hackers
Santa's Little Hackers, an event put on by the Colorado-based not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation, MaxMods which is chartered to "'make the world accessible for all' by identifying adaptations and modifications to make the world work for individuals living with disabilities". You can check out the great work this organization is doing by visiting the Santa's Little Hackers Facebook Page or their website: https://www.santaslittlehackers.com/
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